10 au 23 Aug 2024

Place : Saint-Didier (Vaucluse)

Participants: Adults

Workcamp description:

Set against the backdrop of Mont Ventoux, the commune of Saint-Didier is located between the foothills of the Mont de Vaucluse and the plain of Comtat Venaissin. Saint-Didier's bustling village life was built around its château, built on the foundations of a Roman villa, whose present-day appearance tells the story of how, from the Renaissance to the 19th century, generations transformed the ancient fortress into a magnificent château open to the public. A few hundred meters away, you'll be restoring the beauty of the old cemetery wall, which needs to be cleaned, repointed and the cover slabs gently repositioned (work on small scaffolding).

Workcamp programme:

  • De-vegetation
  • Repointing
  • Repositioning of canopy tiles

Building technique: Traditional lime masonry

Special bonus: It's one of the liveliest villages in the region!

Event during the workcamp: Take advantage of the shows in the cultural calendar to discover the different villages in the area.

Accommodation: In tents at the local football (soccer) stadium, with access to sanitary facilities and changing rooms. The stadium is a 15 minute drive from the workcamp. You can bring your own tent, cot or mattress.

Workcamp life: You will take care of daily life tasks (preparation of meals, cleaning) in turn.
Building work in the mornings, Mon-Fri. Free time in afternoons and weekends, with a choice of group excursions and activities.

Some ideas for excursions: Visit the Château de Thézan, the hilltop villages of Venasque, Le Beaucet and La Roque, and the old town centers of Pernes, Isle sur la Sorgue and Fontaine de Vaucluse. Hiking in the Dentelles de Montmirail, Mont Ventoux, Monts de Vaucluse, Gorges de la Nesque, swimming and canoeing in the Sorgue.

A bit of history:

On February 3, 1483, the founding date of Saint Didier, Siffreine de Venasque, a descendant of the Counts of Toulouse, brought the villa "Saint Didier" and surrounding lands as a dowry on her marriage to Elzéar de Thézan, himself from a noble Languedoc family. It was on this land that the château was built, where the Thézan-Venasque family lived until the French Revolution, giving birth to the village.
Today, the Château de Thézan and its wooded grounds are privately owned, but remain open to visitors, and Saint-Diérois can enjoy the beautiful avenue of centuries-old plane trees that marked the entrance to the château in the 18th century, and which today crosses the village from north to south, shading the many cafés and restaurants lining the Cours.

Conditions of participation

Participation fee: €150

Registration fees: see the website